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Friday, Oct 11 2024 · 8pm
Royal Chapel | Granada
[Free entry]
Concert / Baroque
Dolce Tormento

Sophie Negoïta | soprano

Darío Tamayo | harpsichord & organ

Miguel Bonal | viola da gamba

Notes /

The Swiss-Romanian soprano Sophie Negoïta makes her debut in Granada with a delightful programme that explores some of the gems of Baroque penitential music, composed in France and Italy from the early 17th century to the beginning of the 18th century. With Delalande's Miserere as the highlight of the concert, we will hear some of the most beautiful pages of the Italian seicento and the French Grand Siècle, taking the Death of Jesus as a spiritual reference and narrative framework.

Program /

Dolce Tormento

Monsieur de Sainte-Colombe (ca. 1640-ca. 1700)
Les Pleurs

Michel-Richard Delalande (1657-1726)
Miserere, S. 87 (1706; ed. 1729)

  1. Miserere mei, Deus

  2. Et secundum multitudinem [plainchant]

  3. Amplius lava me

  4. Tibi soli peccavi [plainchant]

  5. Ecce enim in iniquitatibus

  6. Ecce enim veritatem [plainchant]

  7. Asperges me hysopo

  8. Averte faciem tuam [plainchant]

  9. Cor mundum crea

  10. No proicias me [plainchant]

  11. Redde mihi laetitiam

  12. Docebo iniquos vias tuas [plainchant]

  13. Libera me de sanguinibus

  14. Quoniam si voluisses [plainchant]

  15. Sacrificium Deo

  16. Benigne fac [plainchant]

  17. Tunc acceptabis

Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
Toccate e partite d’intavolatura, Libro I (1627): Toccata settima

Antonio Caldara (1670-1736)
Maddalena ai piedi di Cristo (1699): Pompe inutili

Antonio de Cabezón (1510-1566)
Himno XXI “Ave Maris Stella XI”

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Selva morale e spirituale (1641): Pianto della Madonna, SV 288

Biographies /

Sophie Negoïta

The Swiss-Romanian soprano Sophie Negoïta studied at the HEMU Lausanne and in 2021 obtained a Master's Degree under Barbara Bonney's guidance at the University Mozarteum in Salzburg. Her inclination towards Lieder and Mélodies led her to simultaneously study with Wolfgang Holzmair and subsequently undertake a Postgraduate Liedduo with pianist Jansen Ryser.

Among her most recent commitments, in 2023, Sophie made her debut at the Salzburger Festpiele in the leading role of Esra in the world premiere of the opera Ping Pong by Mischa Tangian. Sophie has played several roles in opera productions at theaters such as Grand Théâtre de Genève, Opéra de Lausanne, OperMozarteum, Opéra de Reims, Théâtre du Jorat or Théâtre des Terreaux, among others.

With a repertoire ranging from early to contemporary music, Sophie has sung under the musical and stage direction of artists such as Gianluca Capuano, Daniel Reuss, Kai Röhrig, Jean-Yves Ossonce, Philippe Huttenlocher, Gabriele Ferro, Damiano Michieletto, James Gray, Gilles Rico, Ignacio Garcia, Omar Porras, and Annika Haller, and has performed as a soloist with orchestras such as Mozarteum Orchester, Les Musiciens du Prince, Orchestre Symphonique de la Suisse Romande, Enescu Philharmonic, Orchestre de chambre de Genève, Orchestre de chambre de Lausanne, Craiova Philharmonic, Pulcinella Orchestra or Sinfonietta de Lausanne.

Darío Tamayo

Born in Granada, he began his musical training at an early age. After studying Piano at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Granada and at the Musikeon-Center for Piano Specialization in Valencia, he moved to Barcelona, where he studied a Bachelor’s Degree in Harpsichord with Luca Guglielmi at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC). Nowadays, he lives in Geneva (Switzerland), where he is studying for a Master's Degree in Conducting of Baroque Ensembles (Maestro al cembalo) at the Haute École de Musique de Genève, with Leonardo García Alarcón.

As a conductor, he has led several orchestral ensembles, such as Berlin Sinfonietta, London Classical Soloists, Orchestra Frau Musika, Barcelona Baroque Orchestra, Granada Philharmonia Orchestra, or León Youth Orchestra; besides, he has conducted some vocal groups, like Coro del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Vokalsystem Berlin and Tomás Luis de Victoria Choir. As a harpsichordist, he has collaborated with groups such as Cantoría, Serendipia Ensemble, Granada Baroque Orchestra and the Akademie Versailles of Collegium Marianum Prague, among others. In 2013, he founded the early music group Íliber Ensemble, becoming its Artistic Director and Principal Conductor from then on. Since 2017, he has been the Artistic Director in the staged productions by the Granada Baroque Orchestra. Since 2020, he is Harpsichordist/Organist of Continuum XXI, a Spanish-German group specialized in Contemporary Music on historical instruments and, since 2022, he is also the Harpsichordist of the Barcelona Baroque Orchestra. Since 2020, he is Harpsichordist/Organist of Continuum XXI, a Spanish-German group specialized in Contemporary Music on historical instruments and, since 2022, he is also the Harpsichordist of the Barcelona Baroque Orchestra. In 2021, he participated as harpsichordist and conductor of the Granada Festival Baroque Academy, working hand-in-hand with Carlos Mena. Since 2022, he is Assistant Conductor of the Orchestra Frau Musika of Vicenza (Italy), whose Principal Conductor is Andrea Marcon.

As a result of these activities, he has performed concerts in most of Spain, Europe and China, playing in music halls such as Daning Theatre (Shanghai), Hellerau Festspielhaus (Dresden), L’Auditori and Palau de la Música Catalana (Barcelona), Palau de la Música (Valencia), Teatros del Canal (Madrid), Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, City of León Auditorium or Manuel de Falla Auditorium (Granada), among others. He has made recordings for the Spanish National Television (RTVE) and for the IBS Classical and Patrimonio Sonoro labels.

Miguel Bonal

Born in Zaragoza, he studied viola da gamba at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC) in Barcelona, with Emmanuel Balsa, graduating with honors; later, he completed a Master's degree of viola da gamba at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Netherlands), with Mieneke van der Velden, concluding with Cum Laude and honors.

He has received advice from famous violagambists such as Guido Balestracci, Marianne Muller, Myriam Rignol, Noelia Reverte, Vittorio Ghielmi and Wieland Kuijken, among others. He occasionally collaborates and works with musicians of the stature of Olivier Fortin and the Ensemble Masques, Eduardo López Banzo, Leonor de Lera and Manuel Minguillón. He has also performed at festivals such as Oude Muziek in Utrecht, Folle Journée in Nantes, Festival de Musica Antica in Urbino, Göttingen International Haendel Festival, and in the concert seasons of the Fundación Juan March and the philharmonic societies of Segovia and Zaragoza, among many others.

He has been awarded in several national competitions, such as the Concurso de Juventudes Musicales España 2020 (First Prize, EMCY Prize and Prize of the Early Music Festival of Úbeda y Baeza) or in El Primer Palau 2021 (Accesit, Critics' Prize and Catalunya Música Prize), held at the Palau de la Música Catalana.

Since 2021, he is Project Director of Patrimonio Sonoro, an entity he created together with his brother Carlos Bonal. He is also Artistic Director and founding member of the Camerata Patrimonio Sonoro.

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